Pando Suite
Pando Suite is a series of audio works exploring the hidden and interconnected sounds of the Pando aspen grove in south-central Utah. Known as "The Trembling Giant," Pando is one of the world's largest organisms, consisting of a sprawling forest of genetically identical trees, or "stems," connected at the roots.
With audio recordings, videos, and photographs by Jeff Rice. Support comes from the Jack Straw Artist Program and Friends of Pando. Some sounds for the exhibit were recorded as part of a commission from The New York Times Magazine.
Within the gallery, a resonant cube made of aspen wood emanates with the low, drone-like rumble of Pando’s underground soundscape as perhaps millions of aspen leaves tremble in the wind, passing their vibrations through the tree and into the earth.
An installation by Jeff Rice with support from Friends of Pando and the Jack Straw Artist Foundation. Fabrication of the resonant aspen cube was by Bob Huskey of Saturn Design.
Related recordings
Ambient sounds of Pando’s leaves, animals, and weather.
Beneath the tree
A recording of Pando’s underground soundscape.
A tiny voice coming from somewhere beneath Pando.