The Pando aspen forest is made up of about 40,000 genetically identical clones or "stems" connected at the roots. Collectively, it is the world’s largest and oldest tree. Photo by Jeff Rice.
A hydrophone was placed in contact with the roots of a tree (or "stem") in the Pando aspen forest in south-central Utah. The sound captures vibrations from beneath the tree that may be emanating from the root system or the soil. The recording was made during a July 2022 thunderstorm and represents perhaps millions of aspen leaves trembling in the wind. It was made by Jeff Rice as part of an artist residency with the non-profit group Friends of Pando: Special thanks to Lance Oditt for his help in identifying recording locations, including the mysterious "portal to Pando" where this recording was made. Copyright Jeff Rice, 2022. All rights reserved. More of my recordings from Pando are now available.
Read a press release about the recording.
Read an abstract for a presentation about the recording (Acoustical Society of America).
This recording is also available on Spotify and Apple Music.